Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ok so this is new...

Hello everyone! Well probalby the 4 of my friends I'm going to send this link to...hi.

As you may know, or will know after reading this sentence, I've always been interested in culinary arts. Whether it was cooking dinner for two or baking cupcakes for 150, I LOVE to be in the kitchen. It's where I find peace...and also make a huge mess.

I grew up with my mother always calling me into the kitchen to help her bake or cook dinner and I eventually started trying to do things on my own. I would follow recipes, but I always loved adding different twists or changing it up a bit to make it my own.

In my senior year of high school, I had to make the life changing decision (or so I thought at the time) WHAT DO I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE?! Living in Delaware, if you don't know, it is VERY small. It takes about 2 hours to drive from the top to the bottom. Everyone knows everyone and most of the time you do the same old same old, and I had done all that so far. I thought about going to culinary school, but at that moment in my life, I wasn't as ambitious as I am now. So I took the road more traveled by, and went head first onto the path of high school history teacher. I won't lie, I loved college. I had an amazing experience and a phenomenal volleyball career that I wouldn't change for the world. But I always felt that there was something missing. I still found myself baking and cooking when I could and any chance I had I would whip something up for someone's birthday or graduations party, hell I'd bake a cake for your grandfather's colonoscopy if you asked.

Regardless, after my four lovely years in college, 10 days after graduating, I up and moved to California. Now of course this had some planning involved and there were other revolving reasons which I won't get into, but I felt I needed to get out of Delaware and discover more...I knew there was more to life that the first state, and I wanted to discover them all...or at least a few more than I already had.

So I flew to Seattle, and took a 2 week road trip down the coast, struggling, eating, sleeping, eating, making new friends, and eating some more. I finally made it to Cali and have been here ever since. I've made friends, lost friends, and made some more. I've lived in more than 10 different places and experienced things that at the time, didn't know how I was going to make it through, but am now extremely grateful for having to overcome.

I came here for acting as well, which has always been a passion, but never something I even though possible living in Delaware. So I've done my share of Hollywood things, been on sets, met loads of famous people, and even recently was the lead in an independent film (still in editing.. *sigh*) And that will still always be what I enjoy...but culinary arts is definitely my love. I hope to do both, and use acting as a supplement for money in my big culinary ideas.

I now am slowly getting my life back together. I finally have a permanent (at least for more than a few months lol) and I have two roommates that I love. I recently found out I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) which isn't rare but something that I of course, don't look forward to dealing with my whole life. I found out I had it once I started to gain weight (a total 40 lbs) in 8 months...which for me didn't make sense...why? Because I work out 6 days a week and eat very healthy. So that is something I'm dealing with and is an even bigger motivator for me to eat healthy and stay active.

I did a juice cleanse recently as well and watched the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Now while I started the juice cleanse before I saw the documentary  I wasn't vegan before then...but after I watched...I felt that there was maybe something else I could do when it came to my healthy eating habits, that would help just a little more. And that was when I decided to become vegan. I always toyed with the idea, but never had the motivation. So now I not only eat clean...but I do it vegan style :)

And so with all of that, this brings me to this blog...which I do hope to keep up with.

I'm nervous to start my own blog when it comes to recipes and fitness and a healthy, vegan lifestyle because I am still learning every day. I still have a yearning desire to go to culinary school, but of course that cost money, so that idea is still in the works...along with my idea of opening up my own vegan restaurant bakery and what better place to do it in than in LA! I have some pretty cool twists that I would like to add to this restaurant in order to make it more than just your average vegan spot, but those I'm keeping to myself......at least for now ;)

So I'll begin to dig deep into my brain to piece together recipes I have just thrown together on a late Tuesday night and make them into things you can do yourself. I'll have all kinds of recipes on here...all vegan though...all I ask is  that you are open to trying these recipes...just because they will be vegan, doesn't mean that you won't enjoy them. I'm sure it will be quite the opposite.

I have a BIG sweet tooth so I'm sure you'll see more desserts than anything, but as I continue my journey into clean eating vegan-hood, I hope you'll join me, at least for a few stops along the way :)

With love and oatmeal raisin cookies (vegan of course!),

Alexis xoxo

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