Monday, April 22, 2013

Paleo Snickerdoodle Pancakes

Oh my....

So well as key lime pie and oatmeal raisin cookies...are another one of my FAVORITE desserts.

I spent ALL day yesterday meal prepping for my first week being paleo and also spent some time getting rid of the few groceries I had that weren't paleo by making black bean brownies for my roommate and his camera crew that are here for the week helping him shoot a video!

How exciting! And chocolatey :D

So since I knew I was going to make some pancakes for the week, I figured with the start of my new paleo diet....why not make them snickerdoodle pancakes!

I've been wanting to try this, but hadn't gotten around to it.

Plus its a little easier to make pancakes now considering the fact that I can have eggs! Oh happy day!

Paleo Snickerdoodle Pancakes

Serving: 6-8 pancakes

3 eggs
a little more than 3/4 cup almond meal
1 tbsp coconut flour
1 1/2 tbsp flaxseed meal
2 tbs coconut oil
2 tbs water
3 tbs coconut sugar
1/2 tsp honey (or maple syrup or liquid stevia)
1 tsp vanilla extract
a tiny pinch of sea salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cardamom*
a dash of nutmeg
a dash of ground cloves*
a sprinkle of cream of tartar

*(you don't HAVE to use these spices because I know not everyone has these on hand, but they do help give the pancakes taste just like snickdoodles!)

1. Add the 3 eggs to a food processor (or blender) and process on high for about a minute

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and process for about another minute until well blended.

3. Turn the stove to about medium heat and pour a good tablespoon of coconut oil (or you can use coconut spray) into a skillet or pan and warm up the oil, then pour in the pancake batter.

4. Take your cinnamon and sprinkle just a little onto each pancake

5. After about 2 minutes or so, before flipping your pancakes, take some coconut sugar and sprinkle it on the top, then flip and cook the other side for another 1-2 minutes!

6. Serve and enjoy! (They smell just like the real thing....happy eating!)

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